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In real world applications, sometimes it is hard to match an expected request/response with actual request/response - timestamps and generated IDs are two examples. To overcome such issues, pactum provides a mechanism for request & response matching.

Matching is used in

  • mock server interactions - request matching
  • contract testing - request & response matching
  • response validation - expectJsonMatch & expectJsonMatchStrict

Type Matching

Often, you will not care what the exact value is at a particular path is, you just care that a value is present and that it is of the expected type.


Type matching for primitive data types - string/number/boolean

const { like } = require('pactum-matchers');

// matches if it is a JSON object
// & it has 'id' & 'name' properties 
// & where 'id' is of 'number' type & 'name' equal to 'jon'
const actual = {
  id: like(1),
  name: 'jon'


eachLike is similar to like but applies to arrays.

const { eachLike } = require('pactum-matchers');

// matches if it is an array 
// & each item in the array is an object
// & each object should have quantity, active, product properties
// & quantity, active, product should be of types number, boolean & object
// & product has a name property with string type
// & product has a colors property with array of strings
const actual = eachLike({
  quantity: 2,
  active: true,
  product: like({
    name: 'car',
    colors: eachLike('blue')

// actual === exp -> True
const exp = [
    quantity: 1,
    active: false,
    product: {
      name: 'car',
      colors: [ 'red' ]
    quantity: 10,
    active: true,
    product: {
      name: 'bus',
      colors: [ 'red', 'black' ]

Regex Matching

Sometimes you will have keys in a request or response with values that are hard to know beforehand - timestamps and generated IDs are two examples. What you need is a way to say "I expect something matching this regular expression, but I don't care what the actual value is".


const { regex } = require('pactum-matchers');

const actual = {
  name: 'Jon'
  birthDate: regex('01/01/2020', /\d{2}\/\d{2}\/\d{4}/)

// actual === exp -> True
const exp = {
  name: 'Jon',
  birthDate: '02/02/2020'

See Also

Released under the MIT License.