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PactumJS is just a test library that can be integrated with most of the test runners. It means any reporter built for the test runners can be used for PactumJS.

Even though pactum is a test library, it comes with a capability of reporting. It can record HTTP requests and responses.

Adding a Reporter

Few reporters are available as npm packages. Install the required reporter as your dependency.

npm install --save-dev pactum-json-reporter

We can add n number of reporters to the pactum tests. Use reporter.add() method to add reporters at the beginning of your execution. Run reporter.end() method at the end of your test execution.

const pjr = require('pactum-json-reporter');
const { reporter } = require('pactum');

// global before block
before(() => {

// add your tests here.

// global after block
after(async () => {
  await reporter.end();

Reporting for BDD

The reporting structure for bdd testing style differs as the spec runs in multiple steps. To have a proper reporting, we need to run additional methods.

  • Run settings.setReporterAutoRun(false) before test execution.
  • Run spec.end() after each test case to let pactum know that test case has completed.
  • Use spec.response() for assertions to manage the test case status.
const pjr = require('pactum-json-reporter');
const { settings, reporter, spec } = require('pactum');

// global hook
before(() => {

// global after block
after(async () => {
  await reporter.end();

describe('should have a user with name bolt', () => {

  before(() => {
    this.spec = spec();

  it('given a user is requested', () => {

  it('should return a response', async () => {
    await this.spec.toss();

  it('should return a status 200', () => {

  after(() => {


Writing a Custom Reporter

A reporter should have the following methods in it.

  • afterSpec - will be called after each spec.
  • afterStep - will be called after each step in e2e testing.
  • afterTest - will be called after each test in e2e testing.
  • end - will be called at the end. It can return a promise.

See the below reporters source code for usage examples.

Available Reporters

More reporters are on the way. If you have created a custom reporter, create a PR to add it here.

See Also

Released under the MIT License.